TC-3 Temperature Controller

TC-3 Temperature ControllerTC-3 Alpes can provide the TC-3, a temperature controller pre-set for usage with a LLH or HHL housing but which is also a versatile unit which can be programmed by the user for use with a variety of NTC and RTD sensor, and can power a Peltier cooler with up to 5.0A of […]


Submounts Laser chips from Alpes Lasers can be mounted on a variety of submounts. The drawing for each submount can be found below. The NS submount is a standard copper submount that can be mounted in a HHL or LLH housing or a variety of third party housings. The NS submount is typically attached mechanically […]

Laser Laboratory Housing

Laser Laboratory HousingLLH The LLH is the perfect housing for research applications. With easy laser exchange and compatibility with Alpes Lasers’ Starter Kit, it is the most versatile housing available. Peltier cooled laser-stage inside, minimal temperature <-30°C Laser power supply by low impedance line from LDD100 Anti Reflection Coated (3.5 to 12 µm) ZnSe window. […]

HHL Heatsink plate

HHL Heatsink plateHHL Heatsink The HHL Heatsink is a water-cooling circuit that can be used to mount the HHL and ensures it operates with ideal thermal performances. While the HHL can be mounted on third-party or proprietary heatsinks (including passive heatsinks) the performances are only guaranteed if the heatsink allows keeping the backplate at +20°C with a 0.1°C/W […]

Closed Cycle Cryostat

Closed Cycle CryostatStandalone THz System   The closed-cycle cryostat is a silent, portable, plug-in-the-wall, cryogenic-liquid free source of THz light powered by a Stirling engine. Dimensions : 200 x 250 x 350 mm  Weight: 17 Kg  Max. total power consumption: 300W  Cool-down time to operation ready (65K): 15 minutes  Minimum operation temperature – cold side: 65K Acoustic […]

S-2 QCL Pulser

S-2 QCL Pulser Warning! A recently discovered bug in the S-2m pulser may trigger unwanted behaviour if the pulser is quickly rebooted after a power failure. In order to operate the system safely, you should always wait at least 30 seconds after a power failure or shutdown before you start the pulser again. An updated […]

Liquid Nitrogen Cryogenic Dewar

Liquid Nitrogen Cryogenic DewarLN2 Cryogenic System The LN2 Dewar keeps a QCL laser at a fixed 77 K temperature for 4 hours under usage and > 12 hrs otherwise. The laser itself is kept in a sealed compartment with connectors for the standard QCL Pulser. The laser cannot be changed. The LN2 does not allow […]

Quantum Cascade Laser Starter Kit for CW lasers

Quantum Cascade Laser Starter Kit for CW lasersSK for CW lasers The CW version of the Starter Kit comprises a TC-3 temperature controller as well as the necessary cables to connect a housing (LLH or HHL) to a S-4 CW laser driver (not included). It comprises the following elements: TC-3 Temperature Controller Cable to connect […]

Quantum Cascade Laser Starter Kit for pulsed lasers

Quantum Cascade Laser Starter Kit for pulsed lasersSK for pulsed lasers The QCL Starter Kit contains all the necessary accessories to operate pulsed QCL. It comprises the following elements: S-2 Pulser TC-3 Temperature Controller Cables to connect accessories to HHL or LLH housing It is often purchased with the following optional elements: Laser Laboratory Housing, or […]

Laser safety Goggles

Laser safety Goggles Alpes Lasers products are components that may be integrated into a full system. Alpes recommends that the users should be familiar with their local rules and regulations as they are responsible for laser safety. Results may vary depending on the electronics and optics used with the laser chip. The guidelines below are […]