Extended Tuning Laser
Extended Tuning Laser QC-ET Alpes Lasers offers two types of extended tuning devices, both of which allow rapid tuning at fixed temperature in a wider range than standard DFB lasers. The QC-ET (described here) allows fully continuous tuning over 0.4% of the central wavelength, while the QC-XT allows piece-wise continuous tuning over 2% of the […]
eXtended Tuning Laser
“eXtended Tuning Laser”QC-XT Alpes Lasers offers two types of extended tuning devices, both of which allow rapid tuning at fixed temperature in a wider range than standard DFB lasers. The QC-ET allows fully continuous tuning over 0.4% of the central wavelength, while the QC-XT described here allows piece-wise continuous tuning over 2% of the central wavelength (40 cm-1 at […]
Room Temperature Pulsed Broad Gain Laser for EC

Room Temperature Pulsed Broad Gain Laser for ECRT-P-BG-QCL Multimode lasers such the Room Temperature Continuous Wave Broad Gain Illuminator can be used in an External Cavity to provide single-mode operation with a broad tunability. Alpes Laser offers a integrated external cavity system called the Glider; on this page you can find chips similar to those […]
Tumor and Lymph Node on Chip
Alpes Lasers joins project on tumor and lymph node on Chip for cancer studies Alpes Lasers is a partner in the recently-launched Tumor-LN-oC project which proposes the development of a tumor-lymph node-on-chip (Tumor-LN-oC) platform composed of 3D tissue models and microfluidic chips.Using sensitive off-chip proteomic and molecular approaches this platform will allow the identification of novel biomarkers characterizing metastatic cells which […]
SOMMA project Sensor Optical Multi-purpose Mid-IR Applications This project has the scope to develop a multipurpose sensing platform based on broadly tunable laser sources QCL-XT developed by Alpes in the Mid-IR range. These sensors will initially target two main applications within the project consortium, i.e. continuous monitoring of CF4 emissions in presence of CH4 […]
PETRA project PETRochemical Analyzer The project seeks to develop a prototype instrument for optical on-line analysis in petrochemical process streams. It will quantify percent-level composition of hydrocarbon mixtures and detect trace-level (parts-per-million) contaminants in an ethylene matrix. Such a product will replace high-maintenance chromatographs. The result of the project is the development of laser […]
MIRIFISENS project Mid InfraRed Innovative lasers For Improved SENSor of hazardous substances The mid-infrared (MIR) region is emerging as the favourite wavelength band for a number of applications, including high sensitivity trace detection, chemical emission monitoring, process control, and biological sensing applications. An efficient way to get precise and reliable information is to rely on […]
ACCORDS project Active Coherent Remote Dispersion Spectrometer An ultra-sensitive and selective laser-based multi-species gas sensor will be developed for open path detection of methane, ethane, and hydrogen sulphide leaks from oil and gas extraction and oil refinery sites. The sensor will rely on the Chirped Laser Dispersion Spectroscopy (CLaDS) technique in the mid-infrared (mid-IR) spectral […]
WATERSPY project High sensitivity, portable photonic device for pervasive water quality analysis WaterSpy will develop water quality detection photonics technology suitable for online, field measurements, operating in the 6-10 μm region. The solution is based on the combined use of advanced, tuneable Quantum Cascade Lasers supplied by Alpes Lasers and fibre-coupled, fast & sensitive Higher […]
CODE ReFARM project Consumer-driven demands to reframe farming systems Non-intensive farming, with low inputs of energy and chemicals can contribute towards maintaining biodiversity in traditional landscapes, has less pollution than intensive farming and can be better for farm animal welfare. However, these farming systems often struggle economically in competition with modern intensive farming methods. […]