Alpes Lasers produces a wide variety of laser sources, covering a very broad range of the electromagnetic spectrum.

Alpes Lasers technologies add value to the following market segments

Tailor-made diets with the NUTRISHIELD project
The NUTRISHIELD project aims at creating a personalised health platform for the young including tailor-made diets based on analysis of a wide range of biomarkers

Beam Combiner
Beam Combiner The Alpes Lasers Beam Combiner is a platform that allows the output beam of two different quantum cascade lasers in standard HHL housing
S-4 CW Driver
S-4 CW Driver High Compliance CW Driver for Quantum Cascade Lasers The S-4 High Compliance CW driver is compatible with QCL or ICL lasers from
QC-XT Laser used for CO/N2O/CO2/H2O detection
A team from the University of Bari in collaboration with Alpes Lasers uses a QC-XT laser combined with a quartz-enhanced photoacoustic spectroscopy setup to measure
ICL External Cavity
Interband Cascade Lasers are now available as a broad gain lasers suitable for use in an external cavity. Interband Cascade Lasers are available as a broad gain lasers suitable
Tumor and Lymph Node on Chip
Alpes Lasers joins project on tumor and lymph node on Chip for cancer studies Alpes Lasers is a partner in the recently-launched Tumor-LN-oC project which proposes the development